Gaza Daily Update: Israeli Forces Engage Hamas Fighters in Northern Gaza

1. JaFaJ sources inside Gaza, minutes ago (on March 22, 2024), confirmed that troop engagements between the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and Hamas terrorists have been taking place in Beit Lahya, Northern Gaza.

2. The confirmed sources reported gunfire being exchanged, peppered by the deafening sounds of bombings falling in the area. JaFaJ sources in Gaza say the first shots were heard at 12:10 AM.

3. The second and third weeks of March 2024 has seen an increase in Hamas activities in Northern Gaza, an area that was deemed to be fully purged by the IDF. Despite the number of limited Hamas attacks in Northern Gaza, the source added that the “pockets of resistance” responsible for those have been vicious and determined”.

4. Sources closed by saying that “this proves the IDF mission is far from finished in Gaza, and is likely to extend for more months to come”.